Physical Address- Plot # 3 stand 670/100 Ibex Hill| Lusaka Zambia

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM


Marking Key Boys Technical Boarding School

Marking Key Boys Technical Boarding School

Marking key boys technical boarding school, to be established in 2030 the boarding school will be a privately owned boarding school offering free education to the vulnerable and a very minimal fee for those who could afford all the services the school will provide from 8th to 12th grade. The school will provide :

Cambridge standard
O`level standard
A`level standard

Marking key boys technical boarding school will be located in Serenje, Central Province of Zambia.
The school will only enroll the best of the best students provided for by the Examination Council of Zambia and other examination curriculums.
They will accommodate all students from all walks of life. Above all, the institution will provide accommodation, a conducive library, meals, study materials, and good classrooms.

Our Projections

Capital Injection
$ 0 Million
Annual Revenue
$ 0
Annual Tax Return @30%
$ 0
To Be Created
0 Jobs