Physical Address- Plot # 3 stand 670/100 Ibex Hill| Lusaka Zambia

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

About AMEC Group of Companies

We believe that by developing ourselves we are developing the world and everyone around us and by acting together as management and clients, we can significantly improve the quality of life for many people and everyone.

Our Mission & Vision

AMEC was established with a Vision and Mission to create investments for this generation and thousands of generations to come.


Captain Bernard Chola Bwalya
Capt. Bernard Chola Bwalya

Founder | CEO

Capt.Bernard Chola Bwalya is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of AMEC Group of Companies. He is also a member of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN).

The organisation currently has 40 fully registered Institutions/Companies with 4 active and 36 soon to be operational. AMEC is a multi-sectorial and multi-national organisation.

C.E.O's Message

The founder established the company, AMEC as a single Unit company and later in 2021 developed it into a multi-sectoral registered company with 40 individual companies, whose vision is to be a profitable business opportunity for the company, provide quality health, quality education, safe and clean environment, provide charitable services for the community and fighting of poverty. This is all achieved through hard work, financial corporation, transparency, integrity, utilization of modern technology, and equitable services. All Putting clients/ customers first in product and service delivery.

The AMEC management believes that by developing ourselves we are developing the world and everyone around us and by acting together as management and clients, we can significantly improve the quality of life for many people everywhere. We take advantage of our expertise and experience to create millions of job opportunities, free tertiary education for our employees and their children, business opportunities, and technologies that can positively affect the present day and shape the future.

We take full responsibility for the projects we implement, the credibility and prestige of our company that we continue to build, and the future we will build over the years. As we continue to grow, each new day offers a chance for us to work together, pursue new opportunities and improve upon the past.

Executive Leadership

The AMEC management believes that by developing ourselves we are developing the world and everyone around us and by acting together as management and clients, we can significantly improve the quality of life for many people everywhere.

Capt. Bernard Chola Bwalya
Founder | CEO
Mr. Brian Tembo
Director General | Finance
Mr. Chingela Watopa
Legal Consultant
Mr. Andrew Chisha
Director of Operations
Mr. Francis Poto
Director Engineering | AMEC Construction Limited
Mr. Lumanda Munkonze
Director | AMEC Farms Limited
Ms. Nyoni Choolwe
Director | Consultant PACRA / ZRA